Tuesday, May 6, 2008

Kudos - camping coffee

Kudos to my roommate Dave for telling me about this back in '97. If you're camping the best coffee is to throw some grounds in a pot, add water, boil the whole thing, and pour it out into a cup. You can either try to avoid pouring the grounds in the cup or just say screw it. After all, cover the grounds in chocolate and people call it candy.
It's actually not a bad cup of coffee but the floating grounds may offend more delicate types. As he put it, "when you're out there you just want the drug." Amen. I don't need to describe the feeling the smell of coffee conjures up at sunrise in the high desert.
There are some variations to this recipe, like cracking an egg and dumping shell and all into the pot. The white is supposed to settle the grounds while the yolk evens out the flavor. But really, how often do you bring raw eggs on a camping trip.

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