Tuesday, May 6, 2008

Starbucks (pre-Pikes Place)

There. I said it. Kudos to Starbucks, they have mastered the secret of capitalism: take something shitty and second rate, add some wood paneling and some shiny things, and pretend it's some gourmet cultural spectacle.
You do realize they burn their beans, right? That burnt taste as if the barista ashed their three-foot cuban cigar in the coffee filter? Yes, it's from them burning their beans. They went off on the bet that people who don't drink coffee would think that's a gourmet, rich flavor, and wouldn't dare say the emperor is naked. And they created a dynasty out of it. Congratulations, Starbucks, for continuing the grand tradition of PT Barnum and snake oil salesmen.
This Pike's Place brew they put out actually tastes decent, I think they realized they can't pull off this stunt forever.

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