Tuesday, May 6, 2008

Roach Coach - downtown sample

I really don't know how to lump catering trucks, or roach coaches as some would call them, except in their non-homogeneity. In other words, they're the opposite of Starbucks ... order any item from any roach coach and you have no idea what to expect.
That includes coffee.
So rather than lump them all together, or try to go to infinite different ones, I'm just going to throw out a random sampling.
That being said...
Some roach coaches out there I'm sure have some great coffee, I'm sure their proprietors put some care and consideration into it as what attracts their customers. The ones I have encountered do not.
The coffee I've had at the downtown sample has a strange watered down nutty taste it. The best description is it tastes a lot like the tea substitute in Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy ... it tastes like anything but coffee, and I'm sure if you drank enough of it you'd just commit suicide out of sheer depression.
It's that desperate feeling that you're being told you're drinking coffee, if you've never had coffee before you'd imagine this is what it tastes like, but you can drink and drink this stuff without an ounce of satisfaction that you actually drank any coffee.

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