Tuesday, May 6, 2008

Kudos - MGM Auto Body Torrance

Now in few places does the generation gap make itself more apparent than the Starbucks/Instant Coffee divide. When you're used to brewed coffee by master baristas, let's face it - instant coffee is nasty. Add to that instant coffee stored for a very long time in the sun, and well you have one fantastic cup.
That was the case at my last mechanic. Hospitable fellow but never really cared to maintain a coffee pot in the waiting room ... just some Folgers, a hot/cold water dispenser, sugar and creamer.
How do I describe that coffee... a less intense acid/strychnine duality from the co-op coffee, but something you'd rather drink as a dessert with plenty of creamer and sugar.
Of course if he did maintain an actual coffee brewer I would doubt his capacity to repair cars. Stick to what you're good at I say.

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