Wednesday, May 7, 2008

My boss's coffee

My small sampling of the workplace environment has taught me that workers are very utilitarian in their coffee tastes. It must be strong and simple, much like the temperaments that drink it. So generally, you'll find a strong but solid cup of coffee in such a setting. If you're not snooty or gourmet about it, it's an enjoyable part of the morning.
Occasionally though, as is the case with my boss, the temperament goes haywire, much like a woman whose need for perfume loses its anchor in civility, and she walks around flooding the area with her scent, repelling any pleasant social contact.
Now mud doesn't quite describe his coffee. It's more like paint, in that a simple brushing of the stuff will turn any surface black. On some days I can just dilute it with a bit of water and it'll be passable. But other days it's like he forgot to add the filter. Really, I'd do just as well dumping talcum powder in my mouth.

1 comment:

Nurse Cha said...

Bravo. More, please!